UNLEASHING the Writer Within You!
By Elise Everarda
6.30 pm to 10.00 pm
(For XL Life Members, $60 )
10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore Post Centre #02-02 Singapore 408600
Facilitator : Elise Everarda , published author
Elise Everarda is a 'born writer' so to say. It has always been her passion, during her school years, her years as an airline hostess, and her years a a professional travel photographer.
The supportive articles to her photography were highly in demand too.
Her first photo-book, "
She translated the book "Living Insight, Living Mediation" by her Burmese friend Dr. Thynn Thynn in Dutch, she was the ghost writer of the book OWANTO;a coffee-table book on the artwork of her Ghanese friend and painter Owanto and her personal spiritual journey through her life as a painter.
Elise became a full-time writer with her book Yoga - A Many Splendorous Path, recently published by Asian Affection.
As we can see, Elise, visiting us from
Morever she is able to inspire us to to aspire to become a writer if an inkling is already within you.
Elise is a certified trainer of the