
We are the Singapore Country Managers for XL Results Foundation.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


UNLEASHING the Writer Within You!

By Elise Everarda

Thursday, 6 March 2008
6.30 pm to 10.00 pm
(For XL Life Members, $60 )

10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore Post Centre #02-02 Singapore 408600

Facilitator : Elise Everarda , published author

Elise Everarda is a 'born writer' so to say. It has always been her passion, during her school years, her years as an airline hostess, and her years a a professional travel photographer.

The supportive articles to her photography were highly in demand too.

Her first photo-book, "BURMA, Encountering the Land of the Buddhas" was fully supported by her own text.

She translated the book "Living Insight, Living Mediation" by her Burmese friend Dr. Thynn Thynn in Dutch, she was the ghost writer of the book OWANTO;a coffee-table book on the artwork of her Ghanese friend and painter Owanto and her personal spiritual journey through her life as a painter.

Elise became a full-time writer with her book Yoga - A Many Splendorous Path, recently published by Asian Affection.

As we can see, Elise, visiting us from Hong Kong, is experienced in many fields of the writer's world and is able to share many interesting stories.

Morever she is able to inspire us to to aspire to become a writer if an inkling is already within you.

Elise is a certified trainer of the Berkeley University and a graduate of T.Harv Eker's Quantum Leap Program.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008



Date & Time : 9am- 5pm, Thursday 6th March.

Venue : 10,Eunos Road 8, #02-02, Singapore Post Centre.

Cost : $179 (Guest), $79 ( XL Life Members )

Thomas Iskandar and Elaine Grundy are delighted to bring you this new course on understanding Wealth Dynamics and taking it to the next level in applying it to your business.

The day is packed with insights on how to use your profile to better understand what you should be doing, what you should be delegating, and HOW to delegate and build successful, high performance teams.

During this day, Thomas and Elaine will guide you through practical exercises, interactive discussions and team work so that you can see in action how these principles can be used and applied in your everyday situations.

We will be working on your particular issues, challenges and businesses to come up with genuine, tangible differences you can take away and apply immediately. A MUST DO course for anyone interested in building a spectacular business!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Join Roger Hamilton for Breakfast on Wednesday 27th Feb. Don't Miss It it!

You are Invited to attend an XL Networking Breakfast

At this complimentary breakfast, you’ll be learning directly from a master!

You’ll discover:
  • How to globalize product and services
  • How to find the right international partners
  • How to build trusted network for high growth
In one action-packed breakfast, learn the eight growth strategies and the four cash streams of successful business, with entrepreneurs case studies from USA, UK, China, India and across Asia Pacific, directly from Roger Hamilton, Chairman of XL Results Foundation.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, investor, self-employed, or unemployed; regardless of how sophisticated you currently believe you are in wealth creation, you
will discover you have an enormous opportunity to accelerate your wealth velocity.
We look forward to seeing you.

Date: 27 February 2008 Time: 7.30am

Sheraton Towers Hotel

Register Online / Contact: 6841 7761 or email : xl@bnp-bmw.com

Monday, February 18, 2008



The Magic of Marketing:
The Dos and Don’t of Marketing Your Small Business

Paul was a significant force in the development of the Australian computer industry in 1970's initially writing innovative software and then becoming the marketing genius behind growing the computer company globally.

Paul revolutionized the business consulting business by forming The Results Corporation in the 1980's which helped over 23,000 small to medium sized enterprises dramatically grow and prosper. He designed, developed, produced and presented some of the most innovative and successful training programs ever seen in this country. They're now used by 100's of thousands of businesses worldwide.

Paul is the XL Country Manager for Australia and oversees the Asia Pacific Region. His engaging and passionate style has been helping SME's and entrepreneurs achieve breakthroughs in marketing and business success. Come along and see what you can learn from this marketing and branding guru!

Come and Join us for this Powerful session with the Minister of WOW!

Date : 20 February 2008, Time : 7pm to 10pm
Venue : Sheraton Towers Hotel, Topaz Room, Level 2

Free For LM, Registration $20 For Guests

Seating is limited - Register Online NOW! / Email: admin@bnp-bmw.com / Contact : 68417761