
We are the Singapore Country Managers for XL Results Foundation.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


UNLEASHING the Writer Within You!

By Elise Everarda

Thursday, 6 March 2008
6.30 pm to 10.00 pm
(For XL Life Members, $60 )

10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore Post Centre #02-02 Singapore 408600

Facilitator : Elise Everarda , published author

Elise Everarda is a 'born writer' so to say. It has always been her passion, during her school years, her years as an airline hostess, and her years a a professional travel photographer.

The supportive articles to her photography were highly in demand too.

Her first photo-book, "BURMA, Encountering the Land of the Buddhas" was fully supported by her own text.

She translated the book "Living Insight, Living Mediation" by her Burmese friend Dr. Thynn Thynn in Dutch, she was the ghost writer of the book OWANTO;a coffee-table book on the artwork of her Ghanese friend and painter Owanto and her personal spiritual journey through her life as a painter.

Elise became a full-time writer with her book Yoga - A Many Splendorous Path, recently published by Asian Affection.

As we can see, Elise, visiting us from Hong Kong, is experienced in many fields of the writer's world and is able to share many interesting stories.

Morever she is able to inspire us to to aspire to become a writer if an inkling is already within you.

Elise is a certified trainer of the Berkeley University and a graduate of T.Harv Eker's Quantum Leap Program.

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