
We are the Singapore Country Managers for XL Results Foundation.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Extraordinary Momentum With Tim Wade - 29/07/08

PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRELY as there are some things you need to do BEFORE you come to this momentum at 7pm Tuesday 29th JULY 2008!!!

Have you ever attended seminars and workshops and lectures and training programs and felt super-motivated at the time and then done NOTHING about it?

Do you have a bookshelf full of materials that you received at these sessions or you bought books and then did nothing with them, intending to do something with them at some time in the future?

Has anyone ever described you as "a seminar junkie"?

It's addictive. It's an expensive addiction though, and if you are not getting a return on that investment, then you are wasting you time and your money and your shelf space.

This momentum is actually going to be a session where you are GUARANTEED to gain momentum. Not a social gathering. Not a pretend "I'm doing something for myself" session. momentum.

This momentum is designed with your Effective Action in mind. Not just action for the sake of action. Effective Action.

Some words about the speaker from Matthew Newnham, High Performance Business Coach, Delta Change Management, Edinburgh, Scotland (matthew@delta-change.co.uk):

"Having seen a great number of business speakers over the years, Tim Wade delivers on three crucial aspects: he's relevant, engaging and memorable. For me, this is critical, because we're all bombarded with a constant stream of input - varying from 'content' to 'noise'. Tim has an uncommon ability to cut through the noise with content that matters, captivating audiences with his insights and humour, leaving us with knowledge that we remember and can put to use in a very practical way. How many business speakers can honestly deliver on this level? I've seen Tim establish rapport quickly with an audience who have 'seen it all', quickly grabbing their attention and challenging them to challenge their views on what's possible. What's more, Tim's style wins people over with his unique brand of inspired wit that lowers barriers to learning - as I've seen on a number of occasions. Tim's passion is in making a difference. Whether through live speaking, or writing, Tim delivers. He makes an impact, with energy, verve and intelligence. If he were an investment (well actually, he is), my recommendation would be 'strong buy'. This is one investment that will - with due regard to its worth - repay itself many times over."

"Thank you, you have indeed widened my perspective and understanding. Inspiring and enriching, Tim Wade over-delivers. Outstanding. " - Angeline Yee, Operations, Commgate (Singapore) Pte Ltd (angeline.yee@commgate.net)

"Fast paced, practical, easy to practice in real life." - Ati Kisanto, Brand Consultant, Indonesia (atikis@dnet.net.id)



Hi. My name is Tim Wade, and I'm a seminar junkie. So much so, I now run my own so I can control my fix. The main problem I found attending all these seminars is that most people don't actually do ANYTHING with what they've learned after the seminar. In fact, they think that buying the next seminar is all the action they need to take! (I've been there, and thought that!) So I've developed a program that will solve that problem once and for all.

In this session you will get my unique combination of my university background in psychology and performance coaching, my 15 years in corporate efficiency leadership, strategic and tactical planning and effective action, and my assimilation of 20 years of seminars and training in personal development and effective action, to bring to you a program that will ensure that you:








I'm going to show you, and I've never done this with an audience in Singapore before, TWELVE levers that govern the speed of our progress. I going to show you a way to set those levers in the optimum positions for you.

Together we are going to work together so you can PROVE IT to yourself. You will SEE, HEAR, FEEL and KNOW what it is to EXPERIENCE Consistent, Effective Action.

You have a choice to make right now. It's time to end the pain of knowing what you should do but you still haven't done it! That feeling of "I wish I could do that but I don't have time"... or "I wish I could do that but I don't know how"... or anything beginning with "I should..."

Imagine packing your bags for a holiday and including a number of books and papers that you've been meaning to read, and then imagine lugging them all back again WITHOUT HAVING READ ANY OF THEM!

I've done that before. In fact I've done that MANY times in the past. And there are so many people who do the same thing to some degree or another. If it's not your holiday suitcase, perhaps it's your briefcase, or handbag, or laptop bag... and perhaps you are carting around these incomplete tasks everyday!

Intention alone will not deliver the results, and neither will spending vast amounts of money attending seminar after seminar and not doing anything afterwards.

This MomenTim offers the solution, and this MomenT is where you make an important choice.

The people who will attend this MomenTim are those who are TRULY committed to their success. These are people who have joined networks and attended seminars and are wanting to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them. These people will be attending this MomenTim.

You've received this email because someone you know KNOWS THAT YOU are one of these people.

Here are 3 SIMPLE THINGS that I want you to do NOW:

1. Lock in the date in your diary NOW.

2. Advise the organisers that you will be attending. If they sent you this email and it is sufficient to email them back to say that you are coming, then read the next point and then email them back immediately.

3. On the CC line of the email, include my email address Tim@TimWade.com and ALSO INCLUDE THREE people who you KNOW would also REALLY benefit from this session, and let them see that you are coming along and ask them to join you!

Do the above THREE things now if you haven't done so already.

THANK YOU! And congratulations for taking action. You are truly an action taker.

Finally, before you attend, you must first prepare something:

You must write down 12 things that you have been meaning to do but have not yet done.

TWELVE things. Go through your to do lists, diaries, note pads and schedules if you have to. TWELVE things. Now I don't mean write down "I haven't done the dishes" or "I haven't made my bed" or something stupid and trivial like that. I mean TWELVE things that you have not done or have been meaning to do that is sizable and can make a difference in your life.

Perhaps you purchased a program and didn't do anything with it, perhaps you bought a series of books and never read them. Perhaps you went to a seminar and never reviewed your notes or followed up on anything that you had promised at the time. TWELVE THINGS.

Then bring this list to this dynamic and powerful session, (You are going to love this session, you'll be SO GLAD you came... I can't tell you...) and bring a pad and pen as well as you'll be participating in your own success!

Thank You. On this special night, I will look forward to being your Accountability Accelerator.

Tim Wade


This session is featuring Tim Wade in a way you might have never seen him before.

He has spoken about Time Management, he has spoken about Overcoming Fear, he has spoken about Success Psychology, he has spoken about Wealth and Business Success. His presentations receive acclaim from audiences all over the world.

"Tim has a gift in people development. He helps people learn by sharing not only his thinking but also his thinking process. He is a wonderful mentor who gives relevant and useful advice all the time." - Chau Lih Pin, VP, UOB Group, Singapore (chau.lihpin@uobgroup.com)

"Inspiring, very informative and wonderful. One of the funniest and most entertaining speakers I have ever seen." - Setia, Event Organiser, Mulia Brothers, Indonesia (setia@muliabrothers.com)

"Coach Tim Wade is a tremendous attractive coach. I learned a lot from his charity seminar. Coach Tim always gives you wonderful time with his humor. You can't miss any words from his seminar. There is a lot of interaction between audience and Coach Tim. Sometimes, we would come up to the stage and have some instant special sessions with him. It has big impacts to you. Your perspective would be changed in better way. His expertise is very high level in success coaching. I will definitely learn more from Coach Tim." - Yusuke Tanaka, Focus Inc, Tokyo, Japan (yusuket0528@yahoo.co.jp)

"Tim Wade is a natural leader, gifted coach and motivator. His speaking is packed with energy, humor and dynamism and his charismatic personality lights up a room.” - Deborah Torres Patel, Asia’s Leading Voice & Presentation Coach, Singapore (www.expressingyou.com)

"Sagatori utilised the outstanding skills of Tim Wade in both a consulting capacity and, more importantly, as lead facilitator for a number of seminars and workshops. Without exception our clients responded positively to Tim’s leadership and open encouraging style. With a mix of humour and extremely well polished speaking skills, Tim is hard to beat as a speaker and facilitator.” - Simon Kriss, CEO Sagatori Consulting, Hong Kong (simon.kriss@sagatori.com)

"Informative, confident, passionate, articulate... YES!" - Syahriar Rizza, Supervising Hypnotherapist, Jakarta, Indonesia (syahriar@hotmail.com)

"GREAT value for the time I spent attending Tim's presentation!" - Mike Nicholson, HR Consultant & XL Jakarta City Leader (michael.otto.nicholson@gmail.com)

From Dubai to Tokyo Tim Wade has been helping thousands of people take action, and this is likely to be the FINAL TIME that Tim Wade will present this particular session for free, so don't miss the opportunity to attend, take action now and reserve your place to MAKE SURE YOU ARE THERE on Tuesday 29th July 2008.


29th July 2008, 7pm,

Sheraton Towers Hotel, Topaz Room

XL Members Free Admission, Guest $20.

Limited Seats ! Click here to Register

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